Balanced Equine Solutions is a combination of alternative and complementary therapies as well as natural horsemanship training and development. We focus on helping horse and rider physically, emotionally and behaviorally.

“What if the answer is not that they won’t, it’s that they can’t.”

-Lynn Reed

Your horse maybe trying to tell you something!

Unbalanced body, blocked energy, poor fitting tack, unbalanced rider. All these things mean one thing to the horse....PAIN! Horses rarely act out due to just being mean. Most of the time there is a cause of pain or discomfort when your horse doesn't do what is asked of them. Before getting too upset with them, consider what they may be trying to tell you.

Our Services

  • Body Balancing

    Work with Lynn on evaluating your horse and putting together strategies to help re-balance the horse.

  • Muscle Testing

    What is that?

    Learn how to muscle test or Lynn can do it for you!

  • Classes

    Lynn teaches classes from how to help your horse to essential oils!

  • Essential Oils

    Learn more about essential oils and how to incorporate them into your and your horse’s life.

  • Essential Products

    Explore the products highly recommended by Lynn.

  • Personal Growth

    Lynn shares her recommendations on things that will help you with your personal growth so you can be that leader for your horse!

“I started this journey to just help my horse, I never imagined it would enable me to help thousands of horses”

– Lynn Reed